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For questions or suggestions concerning Poetry Center events, please write to programming (at) pcsj.org

For questions concerning financials, grants, or how to make a material or monetary donation, please write to development (at) pcsj.org

The Markham House is home to Poetry Center San José which includes the special collections of Edwin Markham, the poetry and children's library, the reading room and the Yukei Tekei Haiku Society's library and reading room. For questions concerning the Markham House including renting space by the day, please write to markhamhouse (at) pcsj.org

For questions concerning marketing and public relations, please write to marketing (at) pcsj.org

There are many opportunities to volunteer to help with events, as a Markham House docent, and other areas of Poetry Center San Jose. To volunteer, please write to volunteer (at) pcsj.org

For questions concerning Caesura that are not covered on the Caesura web page, please write to caesura (at) pcsj.org

mailing address:
Poetry Center San Jose
1650 Senter Road
San Jose, CA 95112-2599
click here for map & directions ]

info (at) pcsj.org

webmaster (at) pcsj.org